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Linking Policy

     Investor Home links to outside web sites and cannot guarantee the accuracy of any content found on these sites. Investor Home can not be held responsible for any content found in these links and these links should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase any securities offered by these sites. Investor Home includes links to both home pages and pages within web sites. Investor Home recognizes that there are significant issues regarding linking within sites and links to pages and articles within web sites are generally accompanied by a link to the sites home page. Links to pages and articles within sites are included as a positive reference only and no attempt is made to modify or "unbundle" the content in these links or the source web sites. Investor Home generally attempts to contact all web sites that it links to as a courtesy, however not all web sites are contacted (particularly if a sites individual pages are linked by search engines and other well known web sites). For the convenience of its viewers, Investor Home may occasionally "strip" frames from articles that are framed on their original site. In this case, a link to the home page of the source site will also be included. If you are a webmaster of a site that Investor Home links to and you have any concerns regarding links to your site please contact Investor Home. Outside web sites are under no obligation to maintain links in their current condition or location and have the option of using technology to prevent outside web sites from accessing their content.

Framing Policy

     Investor Home does not make use of "framing" technology. Investor Home generally considers framing within a site to be a personal choice that may or may not increase aesthetic appeal and efficiency of navigation for visitors. Investor Home considers the legal validity of "framing" outside sites to be questionable. Outside web sites CAN NOT FRAME any content or page in Investor Home without written permission from Investor Home.

This supersedes all previous notices and agreements. Original publish date - 8/28/96

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